The letter (Kuf) is easy: it sounds like the English letter K.
We'll remember the sound of
by imagining it as a cane! It could be a candy cane,
or a walking cane.

Now let's try some reading practice again.
The Kibbutz is a special Israeli style of cooperative community,
historically specializing in farming, but nowadays often involved in offering other products and services.
(beitsah) - Means
(tsom) - Means a
fast in the sense of
not eating for a long time.
- The famously dry, crunchy cracker-like bread
that Jews eat each year for eight days!
(mitbach) - Means
- Passover, the holiday where Jews eat matzah!
(mitbach) - Means
(ne'eman) - Faithful, true, trustworthy.
(lo) - Means
his as in "his car," or
to him.
(li) - Means
to me, or
(mi) - Means
Now let's look at the other version of the same letter...